The Divorce Results You Need minus the Stress You Don’t

Uncontested Divorce Accomplishes Many Things

Couples who do not need to take their case to court may file an uncontested divorce. Even if the parties do not initially agree on every point, an uncontested divorce may be possible. Through mediation or collaborative law, many couples are able to reach an agreement on property division, spousal support, child custody and support, and other issues without litigating.

The Law Office of Tammara S. Bloom offers cost-effective legal assistance to couples filing an uncontested divorce.

How I Can Help

If you do not yet have a full agreement on every issue, you may need to go through mediation to negotiate the remaining issues. If you have reached agreement about the major issues, I can prepare the documents that will make those agreements official. Because I take care of the processing, the couple does not have to go to the courthouse to file their documents.

An uncontested divorce is fairly straightforward, but it needs to be done correctly. Otherwise, you could face legal and financial difficulties in the future. As a family law and divorce attorney with more than 30 years of experience, I know how to prepare your California divorce documents correctly. I also know how to identify potential problems with your agreement.

Make Sure Your Agreements Are Legal

If you are dividing marital assets such as retirement or real property, you need to be sure that you are doing it correctly. Issues of child support or alimony also need to be carefully defined so they are fair to each party and legally enforceable. With my experience, I understand how to draft divorce documents that will accurately meet your needs.

To work with a San Jose lawyer who wants to help you reduce the stress and the cost of divorce, call 408-377-2817 to schedule an appointment or contact me online.